Aging Science - What will be the end point for Aging?


Aging -- Every researcher is in search of the end point. But no one knows what’s going on and not sure may be it is like big bang theory. Of course one can argue that it is because of gene coding GATT GACTA AGAT nitrogen bases and so on also through transcription and translation procedures that occur in an individual or an organism.

Journal of Aging Science is striving to disclose the updated information through open access publication which means articles can be published at maximum discounts where COVID-19 making tough times to scientists in research in receiving funds from universities and also in forex transactions.

Authors can visit our Journal of Aging Science home page and use the link to submit the papers or if you have any queries can be dropped through mail.  Topics involved for publication are Alzeimers, Parkinsons, Longevity, Older adults, Aging, Dwelling elders, bereavement, palliative care, Geriatric, Gerontology, Psychomotor skills, Cognition, Neurology etc.

Till date we have published more than 20 articles this year in our Journal and is running with Volume 8 with 4 issues and planning for new special issue and also going to plan for new volume and issue in 2021.

You can know the flow of article at every stage of publication by using the credentials that you will receive once if an article is submitted.


Journal of Aging Science