Study, Design, Analysis of Clinical Trails


Study, Design, Analysis of Clinical Trails

Most countries have adopted the good clinical practice (GCP) principles as laws and regulations for approving clinical trials which are conducted to test new methods to prevent, detect, and treat disease or drug development. Most regulatory agencies such as the United State Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicate that only adequate and well-controlled clinical trials can provide substantial evidence of safety and effectiveness of the test treatment under investigation.

Study, Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials provides complete, comprehensive, and expanded coverage of recent health treatments and interventions, In this context Drug Designing: Open Access Journal is coming up with a special issue titled: “Study, Design, Analysis of Clinical Trails” which has been edited by Dr. Shein-Chung Chow.

Dr. Shein-Chung Chow, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Duke University School of Medicine, United States. He has authored multiple articles and books on clinical trials and been involved in clinical trials as a biostatistician.

We warmly and enthusiastically invite the eminent researchers to take part in this special issue to enhance recent Study, Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials.

We encourage submission of research articles, review articles, short communication, mini-review, case reports, editorial, etc. through email at drugdesign[at]eclinicalsci[dot]org

The submission deadline is December 15th, 2020.  

Drug Designing: Open Access Journal is using Editorial Tracking System to maintain quality and transparency to the author in the peer-review process. Review processing will be performed by the editorial board members of the Journal Drug Designing: Open Access or by Reviewers (outside experts in the field). Two independent reviewer’s approval (Minimum reviewer’s approval) followed by editor approval is obligatory for acceptance of any manuscript excluding an editorial.

Journal is now accepting manuscripts for its upcoming issue.

Authors may submit original research article, review article, case studies, short commentary, systemic reviews, editorials etc. Mail us at ddo[at]jpeerreview[dot]org if interested and for queries.

Editorial tracking submission:

Nancy Ella
Editor Board
Drug Designing: Open Access