Telemedicine in Urology Clinic in COVID Era and the Inherent Challenges in Developing Countries


Since the start of the COVID situation, social distancing has been adopted globally which has promoted use of tele medicine technology. It is a virtual relationship between doctors and patients, so it needs addressing of the expectations of patients and physicians. Patients’ privacy, maintaining safe communication and distant learning are equally as important for running successful telemedicine programs. Other issues include access to this technology, its acceptability and level of health literacy. In developing countries patients’ understanding of their disease and the long-term management is already not so good even in the ideal circumstances. When it comes to telemedicine interaction it becomes all the more difficult task. All these obstacles need attention in order to address patients’ concerns and maintain their satisfaction with the modality of telemedicine. Even developed world countries are learning with the passage of time as to how to deal various obstacles in patient care in current pandemic. A risk stratification approach is of paramount importance for any hospital department to carry on with uninterrupted and safe delivery of urological consultation services and local procedures

Telemedicine has provided a new window of opportunity to explore prospects of virtual clinic regarding safety of both the health care personnel and the patients. Routine follow up visits can be dealt efficiently in urology clinic however the challenge still needs to be solved in case of oncology cases. During this COVID-19 era, there is need to introduce more personal but safe interactions where needed especially in oncology patients. Developing countries need more investment in terms of infrastructure and human development to promote telemedicine in all types of vital medical clinics including urology